April 2023

The journey for this project will be documented by means of this Blog

It is our intention is to use this to keep you informed of the progress and importantly how YOU can get involved

April  2023 

Clearing, Surveying, Plotting and Scheming

Litter Pick for the site was done on Thursday 6th by Shona and Lesley, including removing the old oven of many years... Thanks to both for giving up their time for this. 

The April meeting was held in the Marie Anderson Pavilion as the Riverside Bowling Club opened up for the season. We were delighted to welcome 2 newcomers and visit the site to decide a plan of action for the short term whilst we await the outcomes of  the  Asset Transfer Request (ATR) which has now been submitted to Highland Council and 2 major funding applications for the creation on an access bridge and other infrastructure such as raised beds and planters, signage and of course wildflower, willow and Fruit Trees.
Work started on the License to Occupy which will be a short term agreement to allow us to get to work whilst the legal processes of the ATR run their course.
The cleanup of sewage spill in early March resulted from a fatberg blockage upstream being cleared and getting stuck.
We have been lobbying Scottish Water to clean up, and the wheels are moving with a comprehensive clean up planned for early May, including removal of the sludge from the site altogether and a CCTV investigation of the sewer upstream to ensure there are no hidden surprises.
We are greateful to all involved, including Tom Stirling to facilitating access for this.

There are no plans to plant or edibles fruit in that area and we anticipate the willow structures will further enhance that end of the site.

We started our Friday Tidy sessions an hope to make this a regular slot so that others can come an join us to develop the site once we have better access. 

We cleared dead and rotting Broom from key areas for example the access route and also next to the hammerhead at the Fire station where we plan to put the information Board and some herb planters.

April has been a month that has flown by and we have enjoyed the birdsong whilst we worked and the emergence of the plants such as wood anenome, coltsfoot and some dandelion and sorrel. The Meadowsweet is extensive and it is interesting to watch it emerging.

Mapping the Site

Measure twice-  plant once


April 18th Marie Anderson Pavilion 7pm