July 2023


The journey for this project will be documented by means of this Blog

It is our intention is to use this to keep you informed of the progress and importantly how YOU can get involved

July  2023 

Fast forward and Breathe!

Growth Spurt.

After a very dry hot and sunny June the weather turned with some dull and wet days which was perfect for our newly planted trees and wildflower seed.

The water butts were able to fill and the cleared gutters on the Community Fire Station did their thing.

The fencing of each tree protected well from deer and a little family of rabbits and with some weeding of thistle and dock around the trees to ensure they are kept clear of any competition.

A visit from Sam Jones of Plantlife Scotland was inspiring and we learned more about the plants on site and how to differentiate our thistles amongst other things.

The field drain at the bottom of the slope did it's job but moved the 'puddle' over a bit -  a bog garden seems the most sensible plan for this area.

The area for the willow hide has been identified and a material to suppress growth has been laid.  Work on this will be early 2024 to fit with the willow planting season.
Costs for a willow weaving workshop and a planting have been sourced.

Despite holidays the momentum continued and the soil was riddled for the soft fruit beds.

Cardboard was laid underneath and around the raised beds ready for planting.

A shout out for a lead for the Herb bed by the bridge was answered and preliminary weeding and planning is underway.  Thank you Laura.

Reuse Recycle

Wheelbarrows and tools

Thanks go to Gillian for donating a wheelbarrow and tools to the orchard. These will be put to good use in the coming months and years.

Cardboard donations from new neighbours unpacking has been stripped of tape and protect our planting areas.

The number of people who gave up their time to put all of these things in place are too numerous to mention individually  -  we thank you all!!


None this month though there is an open invitation to come and throw stones in the burn. This helps in 2 ways, it makes space for the wildflowers and it creates pools and habitat for invertebrates  to thrive in the burn and who knows what we may find in future.

Plants and Planting

Soft fruit were raised from cuttings by one volunteer and we were able to plant these due to soil conditions. Carboard was again deployed to suppress weeds whilst the debate about whether sheep fleece is an organic mulch continues as the research is done.

We have Redcurrants, Blackcurrants, Gooseberries and Saskatoons.  There are plans to add another 2 raised beds one for Blueberries and another to be decided.

The Apple Trees

These are thriving and we have some developing apples.  Some adjustments and additional mulching are required.

Legals and Financials

Carrbridge Ahead continue to pursue the Asset Transfer proper and have engaged a solicitor to progress this when they hear from Highland Council.  This continues to be a work in progress as annual leave slows the processes. We value the continued support from Carrbridge Ahead in pursuing this and arranging legal representation for when the time comes.

Friday Tidy

Fridays between 2 and 4pm remained a focal point in our week to pick up litter, spot weed Dock, throw a few stones in the burn, and prepare for next phases.

Additional impromptu sessions were held to suit availability.


Informal meetings have taken place and online discussions due to annual leave